Monday, February 1, 2010

Congratulations Arthur Welch, CNMI's Newest Eagle Scout

ARTHUR WELCH passed his Eagle Board of Review on January 26th, 2010. He is a member of Troop 913 and is the son of Valrick and Turiana Welch.
Arthur has been active in scouting since he was 8 years old when he joined the cub scouts. In cub scouts he won 1st place in the rain cutter regalia, and won different awards for a cake that looked like a laptop computer, a cake with a sinking ship, 4 different pinewood derby cars, and a space derby flying vehicle. At 11 years old he joined the boys scouts, and as a boy scout he recorded 62 service hours to the community, he participated in 14 hikes for a total of 93.4 miles, and he went on 24 campouts for a total of 37 days. The numbers are actually higher because none of his activities as an 11 year old scout were recorded and our recording of service hours is not complete. Arthur put in service hours on four eagle projects before doing his own project, and since his project he has worked on one other eagle project. Arthur did his eagle project at San Vicente Elementary School where he spent 7 years as a student. The school had a problem with the flame trees that had become rotten, which made them a danger to students. Two trees fell (luckily when no students were on campus) and branches would fall periodically. Arthur talked with Kinai Salas, the SVES principal, and offered to help coordinate the removal of the trees. Arthur along with Daniel Villagas contacted different agencies, in coordination with the San Vicente administration and PTA. The trees where the students sit during assemblies were cut down by CUC (the other trees were cut down by parent volunteers). The tons of wood left behind was removed by boy scouts and other volunteers that were led in the work by Arthur.

Along with scouting, Arthur was a member of the Saipan Swim Club, and for a short time the Tsunami swim team. He won 3 math count trophies, and earned his brown belt in Aikido, and a brown belt in Judo. He is currently the assistant 11 year old scout leader (troop 913 has a separate program for the 11 year olds. 11 year olds can only campout for 3 nights and their dad or guardian must go with them. The focus on the 11 year old scouts is to get them from beginning scouts to 1st class scout by the time they turn 12 when they join the regular scouting program). He is also one of the judo coaches for the Saipan Judo Club.

Arthur plans to continue earning merit badges and working with scouts until he turns 19, at which time he plans to serve a full-time, two year mission for his church.

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